Wednesday, December 26, 2012

search using Ajax form in MVC2 implementation example

Here i will give you an example of how to perform search, display result using Ajax form in MVC2. You may find this very useful in your realtime application devepoment in MVC 2

In this example i have used one view page and two usercontrol, the way i have implemented you should be able to use it direcly in any place of you application, wherever search action needs to be performed.

User control 1 ( named "SearchClient.ascx" ).
this will have a ajax form with a search text box and a submit button, so lets look at the code.

<   %@ Control Language="C#"
Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" % >
 <   script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
     function searchValidate() {
         $get("dvResult").innerHTML = "Searching...";
         $get("btnSearch").disabled = true;
     function searchSuccess(ajaxContext) {
         $get("dvResult").innerHTML = " successfully";
         $get("btnSearch").disabled = false;
     function searchFaliure(ajaxContext) {
          $get("dvResult").innerHTML = "Search fail.";
         $get("btnSearch").disabled = false;
    < /script>
    < div style="padding: 4px;">
        <  % using (Ajax.BeginForm("SearchClients",
               new AjaxOptions
                   //Url = "SearchClients",
                   UpdateTargetId = "dvClients",
                   InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
                   OnBegin = "searchValidate",
                   OnSuccess = "searchSuccess",
                   OnFailure = "searchFaliure",
                   Confirm = "You sure you want to perform this search?",
                   HttpMethod = "Post"
        < %= Html.TextBox("Search")% >
        < input type="submit" value="Search" id="btnSearch" />
        < div id="dvResult" >
        < /div>
        < %} %>
    < /div>

Now we see the controller implementation
        [ HttpPost ]
        [ AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post) ]
        public ActionResult SearchClients(FormCollection cols)
            string searchText = cols["Search"] as string;
            List list = ClientService.SearchContacts(searchText);
            ViewData["SearchResult"] = list;

            ViewData["Message"] = string.Format("We performed search for \"{0}\", and found {1} results. ", searchText, list.Count);
            return PartialView("SearchClients", list);

here i am not explaining how the database call is made, i am assuming you are familier with that part.

Now we see the second usercontrol (name "SearchClients.ascx" ) where we implement the search result, so lets look at how the result to be displayed.

<    %@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %  >
<  %@ Import Namespace="ETG.CRM2.MVC.Models" %  >
<  %@ Import Namespace=" ETG.CRM.Data" %  >
<  div id="dvResult"  >
    <  div style="padding: 2px; background-color: #feffd5;"  >
        <  %=ViewData["Message"]%  ><  /div  >
    <  table  >
        <  %foreach (tbContact c in (List<  tbContact  >)ViewData["SearchResult"])
          {%  >
        <  tr  >
            <  td  >
                <  %: c.OrgName%  >
            <  /td  >
            <  td  >
                <  %: c.OrgType%  >
            <  /td  >
            <  td  >
                <  %: c.Email%  >
            <  /td  >
            <  td  >
                <  %: c.ConcernPerson%  >
            <  /td  >
            <  td  >
                <  %: c.Phone%  >
            <  /td  >
        <  /tr  >
        <  %}%  >
    <  /table  >
<  /div  >
Now we need to have one page where we can render the first usercontrol. So you can create a simple mvc page and inside the content place the following line of code.
 < div style="padding:8px;" >
        < % Html.RenderPartial("SearchClient"); % >
    < /div >

We are done! make sure you have implemented the database call properly, ( in this example i have not mentioned that. ) then you should be able to use this search functionality from any place of the application.