Thursday, August 25, 2022

Learn how to deploy application on Azure Cloud - Training in Kolkata

Learn cloud development with azure cloud, deploy your application on Azure Cloud

Want to learn how to deploy application on Azure Cloud? or want to learn cloud application development?

Here are the things you are going to learn in this "Push to Azure Course for Beginners"... 

"Push to Azure" Overview!


* You create an asp .net core application in local machine to publish on Azure.

* Create Github account (if yo don't have) and push your local app to Github repository 

* Learn how to create branch, merge to branch in Github.

* Push and pull from local machine to Github.

* Creating Azure App service and connecting Github repository, and see your app is running on azure cloud.

* You learn how to build application for Azure storage, working with File share, blob, cloud table and queue, creating directly on cloud and creating and managing those objects from local asp .net core app and publish online.

* Configuring storage connection string and creating an instance of Cloud Storage Account, Blob Client, Container etc.

* Uploading pdf/excel/word etc from local to Blob storage, downloading and deleting those files using asp .net application.

* Creating a new cloud table, adding data, reading/editing/deleting data from cloud table (learn about no-sql data storage)

* You learn how to create cloud queue, queue storage URL, adding message to queue, getting queue list, delete queue etc. 


This course will help you to learn Azure Cloud in a practical way!

Check Free Tutorials!

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