Thursday, April 2, 2009

Role Based Security Implementation in AspNet [zip file at the end of the file.]

Setting in web.config
< connectionStrings>
< add name="myDbConnection" connectionString ="Server=43.455.565.67;database=mydatabasename;uid=arindam;pwd=passmenow;" />
< /connectionStrings>

< roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="SqlRoleManager" >
< providers>
< add name="SqlRoleManager" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="myDbConnection" applicationName="MyApplication" />
< /providers>
< /roleManager>

Create the following set of tables to support the role based authorization and security system.

Ceate table User
UserID - pk
Username varchar(20),
Password varchar(20)

Ceate table SecurityGroupAssigns
AssignID - pk
UserID - fk
SecurityGroupId - fk

Ceate table SecurityGroup
SecurityGroupId - pk

Create Table SecurityRightAssign
AssignID - PK
SecurityGroupId - fk
SecurityRightID - fk

Create Table SecurityRight
SecurityRightID - PK
SecurityRight - varchar

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